Emoji Empress

what's up my name's ash
i'm 25 and i never f•ckn learned how to read

My special skills include dropping my phone on the floor, crying on command & always having room for dessert.

Abt Me

birthday: March 1
Location: FL, USA
Pronouns: she/her (cis f)
Sexuality: demisexual / ace-spectrum
⊙ pisces • ☽ leo •↑ scorpio
♡ irl Usagi Tsukino
♡ speak english & spanish
♡ i like pink, girls, and sweets
♡ i'm a registered nurse working on my masters degree
♡ I talk a lot & I like to talk... so talk to me
♡ i draw & write
♡ i tend to curse a lot
♡ i rly like to make friends, so hmu ♡

♡ below are the links to my Etsy & inPRNT. I will add things as I make them ♡

Comfort Characters


♡ minor followers: DO NOT try to talk any nsfw/adult content with me
♡ i'm pretty busy so content & responses can be sparse, i'm not ignoring u, i promise
♡ racism/sexism/pedophilia/incest/ableism/LGBTQ+ gatekeeping are not tolerated
♡ cringe culture is fake & i don't want ur negativity here
♡ for my own sake, i'm trying to keep a positive atmosphere around me! ♡
links 2 elsewhere

↓↓Mutuals Only↓↓
♡ ask for my personal twitter ♡
(selective follows)
↓↓18+ Only↓↓
♡ Ask me for my NSFW twitter! ♡